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Working with Go Teach

GO TEACH began as a ministry in which one group of churches set-out to help other churches by producing Bible teaching lessons for their children and young people. Gradually, other churches became involved in the ministry, and the work has continued to grow. From producing one book annually for one age group, we now produce a total of 36 books each year for 4 age groups.  Although published professionally, we still have many volunteer helpers. Would you like to help us?

We use a team of over 30 writers, editors, artists and proofreaders from all over the country to produce our lessons each year. Their work is planned, assigned, evaluated, and then collated by a team of 4 full-time members of staff. We are constantly in need of more help to develop the quality and range of our publications. Perhaps you have some of the gifts and experience we need, and are willing to contribute to this ministry by working at home in your spare time?

Listed below are the main opportunities for service with GO TEACH, along with a list of general qualifications. 


For our regular material, after successfully completing their trial exercise, writers are assigned to the age group of their choice. They are commissioned to write from 2 to 5 lessons for any or all of the 3 issues published each year, according to their preference. We usually give at least 4 months between the commission and the deadline for completion of the whole assignment. A template, and various notes, are provided to guide the writer, so that the results of their work are consistent with other writers and with the general requirements of the material. On average, a lesson can take 10 to 12 hours to write, and writers are paid an honorarium for each one. We welcome initiatives from writers concerning different types of material they want published, and writers may sometimes be approached to contribute to other publications that are being planned.         


The task of the editor is to make sure lessons are ready for publication. They help to maintain a high standard, as well as both variety and consistency in the lessons. If the lesson is deficient in accuracy, completeness, length, standard, or style, the editor can make appropriate alterations. Editors receive up to 5 or 6 lessons for each issue, 3 times a year. Editors have 3 months to complete their work, and each lesson usually takes 4 to 6 hours to edit.  Before their appointment, they must successfully complete a trial exercise. They are paid an honorarium for their work.     


Proofreaders are sent the final, edited text of a whole book of 16 lessons. They check every word and sentence for spelling, grammar, and accuracy, and make sure all the scripture references are accurate. If a proofreader wishes to comment on the suitability of some aspect of the lesson they can do so, but it is not expected of them. A standard system of proof correcting marks is used, and proofreaders have 14 days to complete their work. A small honorarium is paid. 


Artists are commissioned to produce visual material once the lessons have been completed. They must have good illustrative skills, and a desire to represent the biblical text accurately. After commissioning, the artist provides roughs for the Production Manager, who will discuss the final details, and the eventual format of the illustrations. Biblical characters are depicted in a realistic style, as we do not use cartoons or caricature. Christ is not normally depicted visually. Artists are paid an honorarium, based on an assessment of the nature of the work they have done.  


Whatever your contribution may be, you must be able to give evidence of:

  • a love for the Lord and his Word;
  • training and/or experience of working with children;
  • a good Bible knowledge and understanding of basic doctrine;
  • at least a good GCSE in English or an equivalent;
  • an ability to use a PC at home;
  • a lively and creative mind, with some ability to be analytical and precise.

All contributors are required to affirm our Doctrinal Statement, and to work within the bounds of our Ethos and Practice Statement, even if they may differ with it personally.

If you believe before the Lord that He may be directing you to help us with this ministry, please discuss the matter with the oversight of your church before contacting us, so that you will have their recommendation. If you would like more information, please email