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Teaching Programme

The Go Teach teaching programme is in a four-year-cycle.

The syllabus is designed to:

  • cover all appropriate major Bible characters, events, and teaching;
  • give all ages the same topics, most of the time;
  • give some OT and some NT lessons in each issue;
  • give some lessons from the Gospels in each issue;
  • teach the OT and Acts chronologically;
  • cover the Gospels in mainly chronological stages.

All age ranges follow the same teaching topics, with one or two exceptions for the younger groups.

Go Teach materials were originally based on the New International Version of the Bible (1984).  From 2021, all newly published materials have been based on the English Standard Version.  However, they are all designed to be as helpful to users of the Authorised (King James) Version as possible. Teacher's notes and lesson outlines take account of any significant differences between the two versions, and the children's activity sheets are planned so that they can be completed using either ESV (or NIV, if an older publication) or AV.

View the full syllabus

View the full Toddlers syllabus